College Faculty

The faculty at Sheikh Zayed Medical College comprises of people who are among the best doctors and researchers in their fields.

Prof. Tafazzul H Mahmud MB MRCP (UK) FRCP (London) Fellow American College of Rheumatology. He is head of Rheumatology and Immunology Department at SZMC. He is the founder director. His dynamic and delegatory leadership has steered DUME to achieve numerous milestones. He also holds the portfolio of Vice Principal and has brought in visible change in college matters

Deputy Director

Dr. Muhammad Imran Anwar (MBBS, FCPS, FRCS, MCPS-HPE) is Associate Professor of Surgery and a Medical Educationist.. Faculty development is his area of interest. He facilitated more than a dozen faculty training workshops on different aspects of medical education and published research papers on medical education in local and international journals. Currently he is the focal person for educational planning and implementation of integrated modular curriculum in SKZMDC. He is also heading DUME Career Counseling and CME cells (Continued Medical Education ). He is faculty department of Medical Education at CPSP (College of Physicians and Surgeon).

Deputy Director

Dr. Haroon Javaid Majid (MBBS, FCPS, FRCS, MHPE) is Associate Professor of Surgery in SZMC and had recently completed his masters in Medical Education. His areas of interest are curriculum planning and implementation. He is also working on integrated curriculum.

Deputy Director

Prof. Ayesha Humayun (MBBS, FCPS, PhD) is head of Public Health and Community Medicine at SZMC. She is involved in DUME since 2012. Her interests are in educational planning, faculty development,.and educational research. She is supervising DUME Research Cell and she organized and facilitated research seminars and workshops at SKZMDC.

Deputy Director

Dr. Nasreen Ehsan (MBBS, DMCH, DMJ) worked as Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology in SZMC. She works on curriculum planning and implementation.

Professor & Head


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