
Sheikh Zayed Medical Complex is proud to have one of the best Medical libraries in the country which is headed by a professional of Library & Information Science. Among the medical libraries in the city it is unique on account of its Illffilber and quality of journals and collection of latest editions of textbooks and reference books of various specialties and maximum timings i.e. 24 hours to the users as well. The Library devotes considerable efforts and recourses to the development of an outstanding collection to meet the needs of the Consultants, Researchers, Lecturers, Faculty members and students. It serves as the regional library of Medical Science & Technology. The Library has four components. Details of the library and its components are as under:

Name of Library



Reference Library SZPGMI (Kidney Center 3rd Floor)

8:00 AM to 12:00 MN


Library Reading Room SZPGMI (Ground Floor, SZH)

24 Hours


Library of Medical College (SKZMDC)

24 Hours


Library of SFIN & HS

8:00 AM to 02:30 PM

Collection of Library

  • There are 6,166 books in the Libraries of SZPGMI (Kidney Center 3rd Floor & Reading Room).
  • Library department subscribes 53 international journals on regular basis.
  • There are 131 titles of international and 55 local journals in the Library.
  • 2223 local and international books in the Library of Medical College (SKZMDC).
  • 1000 books for the Library of Nursing Academy.
  • Statistical Reports, hospital proceedings since 1986, service rules etc.
  • Thesis collection is 90.
  • Medical Technology, Audio/Video cassettes 58, CD ROMs are 216.
  • Library has a sufficient collection of WHO (technical reports etc).


  • The Library has the access of HEC Digital Library, through which number of international journals can be browsed in full text.
  • Internet facility with Wi-Fi access.
  • Photocopy & Printing facility for reference material of library.
  • Reader's advisory service, ready reference and current awareness services.
Ph.D (Scholar)
M. Phil, MLIS, MA Islamic Studies (PU)
Librarian, SZMC Lahore


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